Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gulf Coast Tour update: Paul Jaqua

At the Covington Georgia service we had an amazing altar call where about 30 teenagers responded. The lead pastor of the church was so impacted with what we did that the next day he called pastor Adam Farley (the youth pastor) into his office to ask if we would do some drama for Sunday morning! The lead pastor changed his message Sunday night to talk about “Faith, Hope, Love, and Justice”. After Sunday night service Pastor Adam shared with us from his heart and said something to our students that was pretty amazing:

“You have won my heart as one of the greatest Master’s Commissions! The church has brought in a lot of groups including ***** *****’s church and other Master’s Commissions, but year after year you guys make the most impact on our church not just because of the quality of performance you did, but because the way y’all love and build relationships with people!”

We also did a chapel for some kids; kind of like what we do at cross-town, except they were ages 12-16. It was powerful! Aaron Harrington spoke on the story of Gideon, and Anthony and Matt gave their testimony. It was a cool experience for all three of them, but Anthony Reale got the most out it. It was his first time giving his testimony to group of young people since he has been saved. He spoke about where he was in his life and how he was living when he got stabbed. He talked about the impact of reality he faced after he came to; that he was still alive knowing that if he had died he would be in hell. It was a touching moment! Then he explained how we all have to choose to live for God and make an impact in this world.

Other notable things was Tyler Adams got to give a challenge during worship which he talked about Ephesians 3:12-15. It’s about Paul being in prison and still worshipping God. Tyler challenged his home youth group to stay faithful to God, and God will get you through your situations in life just, like he did Paul! The reason this was so powerful is because before service he shared with the whole group that he grew at that church, and that he knew that the youth culture there tend to live for God only part-time.

So far we have 12 students interested in experience week from Georgia, and have seen about 60 salvations
We have built a lot of solid relationships in Covington to where they were sad to see us leave.
We have two more services to do! One tonight and one Friday!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Romania Update: P. shawn and Ashley Banks

This month XMC went on a two week mission trip to the nation of Romania.We joined forces with MCR, our Masters Commission in Romania. While there we had the opportunity to minister in many ways. We visited several cities, preaching the Gospel, seeing people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus. We fed the hungry, visited shut-ins, ministered to children, visited impoverished gypsy villages sharing God’s love, and called Romanians into the discipleship process. It was amazing to see God moving by His Spirit in and through XMC and MCR students.

We also had a great time enjoying some Romanian cuisine cooked by some of our Romanian friends. We were able to sled down the snowy mountains in Sinai. And we built many new relationships with some incredible people.

This was a special trip for many reasons, but one reason is because it was the first time we took a trip and partnered with MCR. MCR was a dream in our heart for almost a decade that is now a living reality. God is faithful to keep His promises!


Hey everybody! I was asked to write something for the newsletter and am so excited to be sharing this with all of you!!

A team from XMC had the privilege of going to Romania for about two weeks this past March, and we all loved it. I flew out later than the team did, and had a lot of opposition with the flights. (which led me to believe that something HUGE was about to happen in Romania!
As many of you know, this past December, we were able to launch the very first Master's Commission in Romania! We did a lot of ministry with them. It was the best!! I LOVE this team!! The first years of MCR got their covenant rings while we were there. It was so exciting!!

(Editors note: A covenant ring is a titanium band that represents the unbreakable bond of a covenant with God worn on the wedding finger, and then moved to the right hand after marriage. The ceremony is traditional to XMC culture.)

Last year when I went to Romania, I told Liz (Elizabeth St. Germain Cucu: XMC alumni)
that her boyfriend (now her hubby) would be Masters Commission directors one day, and she was like "Pshh. Yeah right girl, you're silly. :)" --Well, needless to say, they are now incredible MC directors! Our team built relationships with MCR (Master’s Commission Romania) that will last a lifetime! I love them so much! They are my brothers and sisters for real! I love the MCR team! Please be praying for them. They are for real changing the face of Romania for Jesus! Words can't express how extremely proud I am of them for changing the world!!!

We did our tour production all over the country of Romania. Many people were saved and challenged. I loved that we got to meet many awesome people and build connections with people. One of my favorite parts was connecting with some of the women before and after the services. -- One lady and I talked for the first time ever for about 10 to 15 minutes before we had to leave. Well, we went back to that church a week later and she was there! She had written me a letter and gave me a picture of her. Needless to say, before the service started, I immediately got someone to translate what she wrote me. In the letter, she's 25 years old, was abandoned by her parents at two days old in the hospital she was born at, she grew up in an orphanage until she was 18, and from then on until now, she lives in a homeless shelter. She then went on to say that I was her friend. I was so touched. --I got really close to God on this trip, just like I always do when I go to the nation of Romania. :) ha-ha.
One of my favorite parts of this trip was going to the women's home. This women's home specifically is for rescued victims of human trafficking. We went last year and three of the same girls were still there. We were all thrilled when we discovered that 4 of the 11 girls in the home are getting baptized soon!! :O) Praise God for that!! Please be praying for the women in this home. The woman who runs the home is a Christian and gives the opportunity for the girls to go to church and she does devotions, but doesn't make them go. I love this. She doesn't force Jesus on them. She loves them. :)

Anyway. We did many things on this trip. And I was so blessed to have been able to go. :) I'll end this with this quote. It has now become one of my favorites, and it's from the mouth of our very own MC director Pastor Shawn. --"World Changers are intentional. You don't wake up naturally changing the world. You have to choose to do it."

So, what are you waiting for? Go love somebody. Go change the world for Jesus, world changer! :O)

Sharing His love,
Ashley Banks.

Crosstown Update: Madeline

Every Saturday XMC puts on sidewalk Sunday schools for children in three different inner city areas of Lafayette. One of the young girls said it perfectly a few weeks ago “this is our church” and that is exactly what it is. We pack up sound equipment, games, and lesson props and head out to the inner city bringing relevant teachings and most importantly the love of Christ. We are literally seeing children being changed by Jesus. They are learning to pray, memorize scripture, live out their faith, and to change their own neighborhoods. One thing I have found very fascinating is that over the years our core children that attended Crosstown every week have since moved out of their neighborhoods, but that does not mean they aren’t still attending Crosstown! Many of the parents now drive their kids to Crosstown because it has deeply impacted their lives. It is so amazing to see these children growing and changing. We firmly believe that these kids are the next generation of world changers!
